Team Nicaragua: Clinic Day 1
Our first clinic day was a huge success! It started off a bit slow but within an hour, we had people everywhere. It was such a smooth process, too. We were able to treat 200 people. That’s 200 lives we impacted, 200 souls ministered to and so many families blessed. Our amazing team worked endlessly in their designated stations and the overall atmosphere was incredibly fun.

It’s only day one and this trip has already been an eye-opening experience. We encountered a community who was welcoming, kind and humble. Everyone showed gratefulness and took the time to truly say thank you. Being able to connect with another person, from an entirely different way of living, is the “life-changing” experience everyone said it would be. This is a community that thrives on hospitality. They may not have much materially, but they give with joy and I am beyond delighted to get to be a part of it.
+ Autumn Daly, DSG Volunteer, Texas