Team Costa Rica: Clinic Day 3
Day 3 started off as partly cloudy but everyone was enthusiastic at breakfast. We have been thoroughly enjoying the array of fresh fruit. After a brief poolside devotion, the bus was ready to depart. Our incredible translators boarded with us. A full bus with rather tired yet enthusiastic souls made way to Terrazas. Andrea graciously greeted us at the building which once housed drug users and people engaging in prostitution. CFCI (Christ for the City International) has turned it into a place that brings hope and healing to the despondent and desolate. It took 30 minutes for us to convert the building space into a welcoming clinic for the patients we would be privileged to serve.

Surrounded by beautiful mountains, we cared for those yet born and those that had lived full lives. Drs. Keith and Jeff put the ultrasound machine to good use today. They delighted a woman by telling her that in July she would have a baby boy! There was a deep vein thrombus as well as numerous other gallbladders and a serious abscess diagnosed with the help of this device. Also on the care team is a pharmacy crew, physical therapists, eye exams and glasses fitting station as well as mental health counseling. Amongst all the hubbub, Andrea and a host of people worked in the kitchen to provide a home-cooked meal to the 40 volunteers working the clinic.

It has been a joy to watch this group of people, who mostly had not met before and from such diverse backgrounds, come together with a common purpose….to meet people right where they are and show love.
We had the honor to serve 137 people today. On the drive back, a tired yet satisfied group was blessed with a gorgeous sunset.
+ Nicole Bookstaver – Pharmacist, Primsa Health
+ Dr. Divya Ahuja – Physician and Professor, USC-Palmetto Health